With thanks
This website, and the Fast On Water Charity, has only been possible through the generous help, support, advice and archive material supplied by those who have also thought this a worthwhile project.
We'd like to thank all those listed below for their contribution.
Sally Kelly
Steve Kerton
Lyn lagden
Phil Lagden
Jason Mantripp
John Masters
Mike Mathias
Jack Moore
Motorsport Memorial website
Richard Nash
John Nicholson
Lady Rosalind Normanton
Lord Sean Normanton
Anna O'Brien
David Parkinson
Gill Percival
Mike Pillow
Kim Plaisted
David Poole
John Puddifoot
Rod Richardson
Nigel Ringwood
Andrew Robertson
Alex Rodrigues
David Roe
Philip Sharratt
Rene Schulz
Paul Scott
Silverstone Classic
Simon Scott
Bryan Scott
Bill Seebold
David Smith
Jane Spalding Spinks
Roy Spalding
Sally Spalding
Mike Stark
Hazel Thompson
Bob Timmis
Emma Veitch (Bristol Boats)
Iris Vincent
Mike Ward
Michael Warlock
Cliff Watts
Heidi Webber
Peter White
Jack Wilson
Kim Wilson
Ches Woodford (Osprey Rescue)
Phil Addison
John Barnard
Basildon Motor Boat MuseumTony Bayliss
Roberto BigiBob Blyth
Paul Breach
Edie Britnell
Gerry Brooke
David Burgess
Grahame Burton
Barry Butt
Roy Clark
Mike Cocks
Bob Collins
Rosemary Cooper
Ray Cossey
Sean Cox
Nick Cripps
Ronnie Daines
David Day
Kevin Desmond
Pat English
Tony Ferrand
Jeremy Fisher
Penny Fisher (nee Sheppard)
Gerry Brooke
David Burgess
Grahame Burton
Barry Butt
Roy Clark
Mike Cocks
Bob Collins
Rosemary Cooper
Ray Cossey
Sean Cox
Nick Cripps
Ronnie Daines
David Day
Kevin Desmond
Pat English
Tony Ferrand
Jeremy Fisher
Penny Fisher (nee Sheppard)
David Franks
George Gallop
Louise Goodman
Brian Grimshaw
Julie Graham
Nigel Hall
Bob Hammond
Matthew Hardy
Zoe Harris
Trevor Hewer
Dave Hopkins
Roger Jenkins
David Jones
Gwyneth Jones
Jonathan Jones
Andy Gall
Andy Gallant
George Gallop
Wilf Gregory
Louise Goodman
Brian Grimshaw
Julie Graham
Nigel Hall
Bob Hammond
Matthew Hardy
Zoe Harris
Trevor Hewer
Dave Hopkins
Roger Jenkins
David Jones
Gwyneth Jones
Jonathan Jones